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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fisting Part 1: Lubrication

 WARNING: Fisting is an advanced sexual act. Do NOT attempt this until someone more experienced has shown you how to do this safely. This is not for novices.

This is the first in a series of blog entries regarding fisting.

I'm familiar with two main lubricants: JLube and Crisco. It's also possible to use other lubricants like something silicon based, but JLube and Crisco are generally preferred.

Crisco stays slick, is thick, and does not dry out.

JLube is a lubricant used by vets and is water based. Since it is water based, it tends to dry out. Having a spray bottle nearby can help revive it as needed and also serves to cool irritated anuses.

Some folks have recipes for combining JLube and Crisco. Some put little pats of it in the freezer ahead of time. That makes it easier to push further past the rectum and up the large intestine. It also cools irritated tissues.

I think it's best to choose one lubricant before you begin and stick with it throughout the session, however it's also good to try out different lubes to see what works for you.

Part 1: Lubrication <-- You are here

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