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Saturday, August 4, 2012

First Experiment

I am playing with the idea of raising erotic energy and directing it creatively to create my prosperity in a more authentic way so that I don't have to go around for forty hours a week or more pretending that the most favorite part of myself doesn't exist. So I've created this image to use in my temple. It has a picture of me at my day job in one quadrant, and it has a picture of me playing with myself in front of the camera in the opposite quadrant. I want to create a world where both can exist safely and peacefully in harmony.

I then went out and bought an easel pad/flip chart. When I do my orgasmic yoga practice, I can draw on it with magic markers or paint on it. Here's the first outcome
First Artwork

As I was self-pleasuring (masturbating) over the duality picture above and looking at my artwork, I wrote a little note of gratitude to the man in the upper left hand corner. Here's what it says.
Love Letter

I have much more respect and love for that part of myself that supports the flight of my erotic heart. He puts up with dissatisfaction at work so that I can find happiness and love elsewhere. My goal is to find a way for him to not have to fight so hard or to hide himself quite so much.

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