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Thursday, March 1, 2018

I Am Loved

I sit in front of this Giant Cock, unashamed of my own touch. My touch draws my life to the surface.
My feet, not supporting me in this instant, are free to relax and receive pleasure.
There is an alter before the cock, my cock. I have offered a daisy, reflecting my own innocent beauty. My heart and cock connected, reach out to the Giant Cock, blessing it, being blessed by it.
This poem, like my heart: Raw, Naked and Sexual.
My cock drips. I am ecstatic.
This is who I am, but I am more. I am more than can be expressed. I am strong. I am weak. I am hard. I am gentle.
I feel the power/pleasure in my cock.
I am not broken. The part that I was told was broken is the most whole part of me.
I am loved. I am hated. I am everything in between.
My hardness has subsided, but it is close at hand. I have consummated my love for myself and given birth to this poem.